Call Screening | Identifying the Unknown Caller

Call screening to identify who is calling before you answer it. Calilio allows you to filter out unwanted calls and ensure every call you receive is relevant and valuable to your business.

  • Block spam and unwanted calls.
  • Prioritize important calls for immediate attention.
  • Customize screening settings to suit your needs.
  • Receive real-time notifications for important calls.

hand holding a mobile phone and a laptop

Prioritize Important Calls

Set up criteria to ensure critical calls get through immediately. Prioritize calls based on your business needs and ensure critical conversations are never missed.

Filter Unwanted Calls

Block spam and unwanted calls to reduce interruptions and distractions and let your team focus on what truly matters.

  • Automatically block known spam numbers.
  • Create custom block lists for specific numbers.

call screening

Customize Your Call Screening Settings

Tailor your call screening settings to fit your business requirements. A range of options to customize how calls are screened and managed.

  • Adjust screening rules and preferences easily.
  • Highlight urgent calls based on caller ID.
  • View and edit block and priority lists.

customize call screening setting

Real-Time Call Notifications

Call screening keeps you informed with real-time notifications for important calls. Our business phone system alerts you immediately when a prioritized call comes in. Customize your alert settings based on call priority and stay connected even when away from your desk.

real time call notification in call screening

Explore More Features

Call Recording

Record and store calls securely for compliance and quality assurance. Easily access recordings for training and review.

call recording icon

Call Monitoring

Monitor live calls to ensure high service standards. Gain insights into agent performance and customer interactions.

call monitoring icon

Voicemail Transcription

Convert voicemails into text for easy review and management. Never miss important details from your voicemail messages.

voicemail transcription icon

Call Analytics

Analyze call data to identify trends and measure performance. Use actionable insights to improve your communication strategies.

call analytics icon

Call Blocking

Block unwanted calls to reduce interruptions and distractions. Keep your communication channels focused on what matters.

call blocking icon

Call Forwarding

Automatically forward calls to the appropriate person or department. It ensures important calls are never missed and improves response times.

call forwarding icon

Frequently Asked Questions

What does screening a call do?

Is call screening the same as call blocking?

How do you handle call screening?

Why is it called screening calls?

Enhance Business Communication with Calilio’s Call Screening

Discover the efficiency of call screening on Calilio - your solution for smarter call management and enhanced productivity.

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