312 Area Code

312 Area Code - Get a Local Chicago, Illinois Phone Number

Connect with the Chicago locals using the 312 area code phone number from Calilio. We offer this local area code phone number to build your presence in Chicago.

312 area code call interface

Where is Area Code 312 Located?

The 312 area code is located in Chicago's busiest downtown and covers some major city and business areas. It is part of Cook County and includes neighbourhoods like Streeterville, Lincoln Park, and Loop, famous for their skyscrapers and landmarks.

Chicago is the third largest and quite busy city, with nearly 3 million people. The town surrounds some famous area codes, such as 733 and 872, as its neighbours. The area code 312 follows the Central Time Zone (CT), which makes it easier to connect with people and businesses across the middle west area of the US.

Popular Cities 

Population (approx)


The Loop



River North28,000Cook
Gold Coast17,000Cook
South Loop44,000Cook
West Loop53,000Cook
Lincoln Park68,000 Cook
Near North Side80,000Cook
Old Town27,000 Cook
Printer's Row10,000Cook

History of the 312 Area Code

312 area code is one of the most famous and oldest in the U.S. It was created in 1947 when phone numbers became localised nationwide. In its initial days, it covered all of Chicago and some parts of its neighbours. As the city population skyrocketed and the need for delicate area codes became apparent, 312 was separated to specifically use in Chicago, whereas 708, 773, and 872 were added to its neighbours.

Now, this area code covers Chicago's busiest downtown area, making it an excellent market for any business. Even though other area codes are being added nearby, the popularity of area code 312 is unmatched.

Exploring Business Landscape in the 312 Area Code Region

The area code 312 has been a hub for more prominent companies and businesses due to its open market and huge population. Downtown Chicago has been home to businesses like banks, law firms, tech companies, fast food restaurants, and many more. It has one of the highest GDPs of the country, with $830 billion, making it the largest economy in North America.

McDonald’s, Discover, Morningstar, Enova, and Mondelez International are famous businesses in area code 312.

Getting a 312 phone number helps your business grow locally in Chicago, giving you more credibility. The demand for this phone number is also too high due to its population and business opportunities.

Expand Your Local Credibility in Chicago with 312 Number

Get a new 312 area code phone number from Calilio to connect with Chicago and scale your business locally across Illinois.

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