919 Area Code

Get 919 Area Code For Regional Presence in Raleigh, NC

Establish a local presence in Raleigh with a 919 area code number. A US 919 phone number from Calilio keeps you connected to Raleigh, Durham, Cary, and Chapel Hill from anywhere.

calling interface of 919 area code virtual phone number

Where is the Area Code 919?

Area Code 919 is located in central North Carolina. It serves the Raleigh area, including the cities of Durham, Chapel Hill, and Cary.

Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina. It is a rapidly developing city in the United States known for its restaurants, parks, wildlife, and more. Additionally, Raleigh is the second-largest city in NC State.

Around 487,942 people live in this expansion city, with an annual growth rate of 1.17%. Chapel Hill has a population of around 62,098 people, Durham's 2,91,928, and Cary’s around 181,754.

The 919 us area code covers counties such as Orange, Chatham, Wake, and Franklin. Each county provides a mix of urban services. The time zone for the 919 area code is Eastern Time (ET).

Popular Cities



Apex, NC37,476


Goldsboro36,437    Wayne
Wake Forest30,117Wake
Garner25,745    Wake
Carrboro19,582    Orange
Clayton, NC16,116Johnston
Mebane11,393    Alamance

History of Area Code 919

Before the introduction of the 919 phone area code, the 704 area code served the entire central region of North Carolina since 1947. However, a single area code ran out as the demand for phone numbers increased. To address this, the area code 919 was created as a split from the entire 704 area.

The 919 area code was first used on January 1, 1954. This new area code served the cities, including Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh. In 1998, to manage the growth in the eastern part, a new 252 phone number was created. 

After a long time, in 2012, area code 984 was introduced as an overlay to 919. This area serves the same geographic area, which provides extra phone numbers without changing the existing 919 phone numbers. The 919  US number has become a symbol of growth and innovation in North Carolina's Research Triangle. 

Expand Your Business in Raleigh Effortlessly

Join the growing business market of Raleigh with a 919 phone number. It’s simple and fast! Sign up on Calilio today.

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