716 Area Code
Get 716 Area Codes for Regional Presence in Buffalo, New York
Bring more opportunities to your business by establishing a local connection in Buffalo City, New York, with a 716 area code number. This local number boosts your credibility and trustworthiness among the city residents and encourages local engagement and visibility of your brand.

Search 716 Virtual Phone Number
Explore available 716 virtual phone numbers for your Buffalo City business and pick the one that matches your business identification.
Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.
Where is the 716 Area Code?
716 area code covers the Western part of the New York state. It touches 4 counties, including Erie County, Niagara County, Cattaraugus County, and Chautauqua County. Likewise, the major cities in this area code include Buffalo, Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda, Jamestown, and Lockport.
This area code consists of 1,358,235 number of total population. Here, the most populous age groups are 55 to 59 Years, which is 7.3% of its total male population, and 60 to 64 years, which is 7.4 % of its female population.
This area code operates under the Eastern Timezone. This generally means it follows Eastern Standard Time (EST) during the standard period and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) during daylight saving time. This Timezone is also known as the America/New York Timezone.
Popular Cities Total Population County 261,310 Erie 75,178 58,144 50,193 44,711 31,568 31,146 21,165 18,141 15,423 15,303 15,130 15,019 14,452 12,563Buffalo Cheektowaga Erie Tonawanda Erie Niagara Falls Niagara West Seneca Erie North Tonawanda Niagara Jamestown Chautauqua Lockport Niagara lackawanna Erie Kenmore Erie Depew Erie Tonawanda Erie Eggertsville Erie Olean Cattaraugus Dunkirk Cattaraugus
History of Area Code 716
Area code 716 was first put into service in 1947 by the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). It was among the original 86 area codes. It was the 1st area code in New York, which currently has 22 area codes.
Initially, the 716 phone code served a significant portion of western New York. However, a portion of its territory was assigned to area code 607 in 1954, and another portion was transferred to 585 area code in 2001. Today, 716 covers the far western portion of the state, including cities like Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Jamestown.
Furthermore, the analysis by the NANP Administrator in 2022 predicted that the 716 area code would be exhausted due to the growing demand for phone numbers. As a result, to solve this, the New York Public Service Commission approved the 624 area code as an overlay to 716.

Exploring 716 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook
Buffalo City, being the second largest city in New York, is an attraction to many industrial sectors. The city's economy depends on various industrial sectors like healthcare, business, and tourism. Some notable city companies are Bureau Veritas, Delaware North, Human Inc., Women and Children Hospital of Buffalo, etc.
Due to its strategic location on the Erie Canal, it is considered one of the major manufacturing cities in the United States. In 2019, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis valued the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Buffalo–Niagara Falls MSA at $53 billion, which is approximately $62.3 billion in 2023. likewise, the average household income is $66,810, indicating its strong economic base and modern standard of living.
716 Area Code Number As A Communication Tool for Business Growth
Call Monitoring
Monitor your agent’s performance with call monitoring to ensure quality, compliance, and performance.
Queue Call Back
Allows your Buffalo customers to request a call back from your team instead of waiting in the queue.
Save time and effort by automatically directing a customer’s call to the correct department.
Bulk SMS Campaign
Send text messages to many people at once to promote products, share updates, or engage customers.
Why Does Your Business Need a 716 Phone Number?
Using a 716 phone number may increase customer flow and business interactions. Customers may be highly engaged with the numbers they recognize and trust, which may also increase sales, inquiries, and overall business.
Business Growth
Your business grows with new business opportunities. A local number increases new collaborations and networking, creating more business opportunities and growth.
Boost Brand Value
Local numbers are more reliable and trustworthy. Customers are more interested in connecting with your business when they trust your brand.
Improved Response Rates
Buffalo customers are more likely to take your call when you call from a local 716 phone number. They welcome your call confidently perceiving it as a genuine call.
Targeted Marketing
Promote your product or services specifically to customers in the Buffalo area using the local number. It increases your marketing efficiency.
Budget - Friendly
A local number allows you to call customers at local rates. Moreover. it does not require any installation cost as they solely operate via the internet.

How to Get a 716 Virtual Phone Number?
Getting a virtual 716 phone number is easy with Calilio. Follow these simple steps to obtain a Buffalo number today:-

Create a free Calilio account. Fill in the necessary information and sign up.

Choose the VoIP plan that aligns best with your communication goals.

Go to “Settings> My Numbers> Purchase Numbers.” Search and pick your desired 646 number.

Finish the payment process and secure your chosen number following online instructions.

As your number activates, tailor its features as per your business requirements.
Already have a Buffalo Phone Number?
Use our number porting system to upgrade to our advanced VoIP without changing your existing Buffalo City phone number. Port your number here.

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For 716 Phone Area Code?
Business communication should be clear, concise, and reliable. Calilio provides a high-quality call service to meet these communication standards. From advanced features to robust security, you can trust us to keep your business communication updated and secure.

Robust Security
We understand the value of your information. Our advanced technology ensures your business information is highly protected, safeguarding it from any scam or threat.

Customizable Settings
Customize your settings according to your communication goals. This may include language settings, account management, security settings, or tailoring features.

Updated Features
Calilio offers advanced, updated features like sentiment analysis, IVR, and queue callback to improve your call experience when using the 716 phone area code number.

Easy Set-Up Process
Calilio offers quick and hassle-free steps to set up a Buffalo area code number. You can easily sign up, follow our online instructions, and obtain your number.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What area code is 716 in California?
Is the 716 area code going away?
Who is calling from the 716 area code?
How many 716 phone numbers can I have?
Is 716 a toll-free phone number?
Increase Your Business Call Rates in Buffalo City
Raise your business call volume in Buffalo City using a 716 area code number. Encourage local customer engagement, no matter where you operate from, even if it's not Buffalo City.