What is a VoIP Number? A Comprehensive Guide


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Imagine a phone number that could follow you everywhere, exist anywhere, and function on any device. Sounds dreamy, right? Welcome to the world of ‘VoIP numbers.’ They are virtual phone numbers that are not tied to a specific device, location, or even a SIM card. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and a VoIP phone number exists online with an internet connection. Like a regular phone number, these online phone numbers can receive calls, send texts, and even voicemails. Besides, they offer more versatility and features than traditional phone numbers.


Traditional phone systems are costly and require a heavy investment of time, money, and effort in installation, system upkeep, and maintenance. VoIP phone numbers, meanwhile, eliminate these overhead costs and complexities, allowing businesses and individuals to set up in minutes. It enhances productivity while providing a modern communication solution tailored for the digital age.

What is a VoIP Number?

A VoIP number is a digital contact number not bound to a specific device, allowing easy access via smartphones, computers, or tablets. Offering high-quality, resilient engagement, these virtual phone numbers facilitate clear and lossless business communication and come with advanced features like call recording, customizable routing, and enhanced security measures, elevating their functionality over traditional phone numbers.


Businesses are increasingly adopting VoIP phone numbers to streamline their operations without needing dedicated hardware or specialized IT support. They eliminate the need to use local SIM cards or establish physical offices in different locations. Furthermore, these numbers provide privacy, allowing professionals to share them without disclosing personal details, fostering efficient teamwork, and ensuring seamless conversations.

How Does a VoIP Number Work?

A VoIP number converts, transmits, and re-converts voice data to facilitate internet-based communication. These virtual numbers operate using the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system that allows them to make and receive calls online. It turns voice signals into digital packets that are then transmitted over the internet. IP-enabled devices with system compatibility are essential in making these virtual numbers work. The process breakdown below clarifies the mechanism of VoIP phone numbers. 


  • Call Initiation: When a call is placed, the voice is transformed into digital data. This conversion uses specific tools called codecs, which both compress and translate the audio into packets.


  • Data Packeting: The audio data is segmented into small packets for efficient transmission over the Internet. This method is quicker and more reliable than sending large chunks of data.


  • Routing Through Servers: These segmented voice packets are then directed through servers. The role of servers is crucial, ensuring the packets are sent to the right destination without delay.


  • Transmission: A stable internet connection facilitates the transfer of these voice packets. The system can also communicate with traditional phone networks via transmission gateways.


  • Decoding and Output: Upon reaching the receiver, the packets are reassembled, decoded, and then reconverted into audible voice. The recipient’s device then plays this sound, completing the communication loop.


📖You May Also Read: How to get a VoIP Number?

VoIP Phone Number Vs. Regular Phone Numbers

VoIP phone numbers operate digitally, allowing calls via cloud-based phone systems without relying on traditional infrastructure. In contrast, regular phone numbers use conventional methods tied to physical lines or specific devices. While VoIP numbers offer flexibility, better call quality, and additional features, regular numbers have certain limitations in device access and features. 


VoIP numbers often provide a higher return on investment due to their modern features and adaptability. The table below showcases significant differences between VoIP phone numbers and regular phone numbers.



VoIP Phone Number

Regular Phone Number


Highly flexible

Not flexible

Set up & Maintenance

Easy setup & maintenance

Complex setup & maintenance


Lower overall expenses

Higher due to additional services


Cloud technology

Wired connection


Secured with strong authentication

Less secure


No contracts required

Contracts required


Shareable among multiple users


Call Features

Includes routing, transfer, voicemail, etc.

Basic call features

Call Costs

Reduced for long-distance and international

Expensive long-distance and international


Always available

Not available



Not available

Hardware Requirement




Compatible with multiple devices

Only with landline


Easily controlled via a dashboard

Limited control

Types of VoIP Phone Numbers

A company utilizes different types of VoIP numbers depending on its objectives and the intended audience. The right choice can save costs, improve customer engagement, and align with the business communication strategy.

1. Mobile Number

Designed for the modern workforce, virtual mobile numbers are a 10-digit gateway to seamless communication. Relying on VoIP technology, they negate the need for different SIM cards. Besides convenience, they empower employees to easily distinguish between personal and professional calls, ensuring privacy and professionalism.

2. Landline Number

Virtual landline numbers resonate with tradition, yet are powered by modern technology. Typically associated with a specific area code, they’re perfect for routing calls to specific departments or teams. This streamlined approach enhances efficiency, ensuring customers and branches stay interconnected without hassle.

3. Local Phone Numbers

With a local touch in a global marketplace, local area code numbers amplify a business presence in targeted geographies. Local phone numbers are a testament to a company’s commitment to serving local communities, fostering trust, and encouraging local collaborations.

4. Vanity Numbers

Branding goes beyond logos and taglines. Vanity numbers are a branding tool, uniquely crafted with specific words or phrases like 1-800-LAWYER. Not just a number, they’re a memorable statement, elevating brand recall and reinforcing identity.

4. National Numbers

Erase borders with national digital numbers. Businesses can now cast a global net, establishing virtual outposts in foreign markets. These numbers transcend time zones and geographical limitations, ensuring seamless, round-the-clock global communication.

5. Toll-free Numbers

Customer-first is more than a mantra; it’s a practice embodied by toll-free numbers. These numbers showcase a company's commitment to accessibility, allowing customers to reach out without bearing any call costs. It’s a trust-building gesture that amplifies brand loyalty.

Benefits of VoIP Numbers for Businesses

Harnessing VoIP numbers can revolutionize business communication. Their modern features and cost-saving capabilities present unmatched advantages tailored for dynamic organizational needs.

1. No Additional Devices Required

VoIP numbers are a testament to the evolution of communication. Businesses can utilize their existing hardware like smartphones, or desktop PCs, and swiftly transition to advanced VoIP phone systems. It encourages the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) culture, and ensures businesses remain agile and adaptable without the hassle of new equipment procurement.

2. Cost-Effective Solutions

VoIP numbers reduce communication-related costs and provide efficiency in both operations and finances. There’s a huge difference in expenses compared to traditional phone systems, with savings on maintenance, infrastructure, IT support, and even call charges. Over time, these savings translate to a substantial boost in ROI.

3. Shared Phone Numbers

In our interconnected world, teamwork is paramount. Shared phone numbers ensure that businesses never miss an opportunity. VoIP numbers allow you to distribute the responsibility among team members, and make every call an opportunity for engagement, problem-solving, and potential conversion. It's an approach that maximizes availability and promotes collaborative efforts.

4. Apps & CRM Integrations

It’s not just about calls but holistic communication management. Businesses can integrate VoIP numbers with diverse CRMs and applications to enhance customer service, manage leads better, automate sales processes, and derive actionable insights from data. It streamlines operations and drives efficiency across the board.

5. Set Your Business Hours

VoIP numbers are the epitome of flexibility. You can configure their availability, ensuring they’re accessible during peak hours and that after-hour calls are handled appropriately. Whether routing to voicemails, redirecting to global branches, or setting multiple time slots, VoIP features that come with these numbers ensure every call is treated with importance.

6. Local Presence, Global Reach

Brand perception matters. VoIP phone numbers allow you to establish a local presence in any desired region. They build trust, enhance engagement, and ensure higher call reception rates. Businesses with a familiar local code stand out and ensure a personal touch in every interaction.

7. Scalability

Growth is inevitable, and VoIP numbers ensure communication grows with you. As the team expands or restructures, businesses can easily modify their VoIP setup, adding or removing lines. There’s no need to overhaul the system or invest significantly in new hardware.

8. Enhanced Security & Control

In our data-driven age, security is non-negotiable. VoIP phone numbers come with robust encryption, safeguarding every piece of communication. The built-in admin features provide unparalleled control, real-time monitoring, archiving capabilities, and more. It’s a blend of security and control, designed for the modern enterprise.

9. Dedicated Support

Being available for clients is a game-changer. Businesses, with virtual phone numbers, can assure customers of round-the-clock support on the VoIP phone system. It fosters trust, drives engagement, and positions the brand as reliable and customer-centric.

10. Global Calling, No Boundaries

Geography shouldn’t limit business. VoIP numbers embody this principle, enabling seamless communication from any corner of the world. As long as there’s an internet connection, businesses can connect, and collaborate, ensuring they’re always in touch and on top of their game.

Key Features to Expect When Getting a VoIP Number

VoIP numbers are not just about making and receiving calls; they’re technological marvels tailored for business excellence. Packed with advanced features, they redefine how organizations communicate, collaborate, and operate.

1. IVR and Individual Extensions

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is the frontline of modern communication. It efficiently channels callers to the appropriate department or individual without human intervention. Imagine a new client seamlessly reaching the sales department or an existing customer effortlessly connecting to support. IVR improves caller experience and reduces operational delays and misdirection.

2. Texting (SMS and MMS)

VoIP numbers facilitate swift SMS and MMS transmissions, letting businesses disseminate crucial updates, promotional offers, or reminders. Whether you’re confirming an appointment or sending an OTP for transaction verification, texting amplifies communication versatility.

3. Voicemail to Text Transcription

Time is a luxury in the business world. With voicemail transcription, you no longer need to playback lengthy audio messages. Receive them in a textual format, ensuring every detail is at your fingertips, ready for immediate action. Especially beneficial for senior executives and busy professionals, voicemail transcription ensures critical information is never missed.

4. Number Sharing

Empower your teams with collaborative communication. Share the same VoIP number among multiple members and promptly answer the calls. Be it sales, support, or any other function, the number-sharing feature promises responsiveness and improves client trust and operational agility.

5. Call Recording

For businesses, every interaction holds value. Call recording archives these interactions, allowing teams to review, learn, and improve. Whether it’s to train new employees, ensure quality assurance, or have a record for legal compliance, call recording is indispensable in the contemporary business landscape.


6. Web & Mobile App

The world is mobile, and so should your communication. With dedicated web and mobile applications, your VoIP features are accessible round the clock, from any location. Attend meetings, answer calls, or manage your team while on the move, ensuring that distance never hampers decision-making.

7. Call Forwarding

Missed calls can mean missed opportunities. Call forwarding ensures that even if one line is busy or unreachable, the call gets redirected to another predefined number. It’s about keeping the communication channels open and fluid, ensuring clients, partners, or team members can always connect.

8. Customizable Call Routing

Each business has unique operational needs. Customizable call routing allows organizations to define and modify call pathways, ensuring optimal resource utilization. Whether it’s channeling support calls during peak hours or rerouting to international branches, the call routing feature in VoIP phone numbers offers unparalleled flexibility.

9. Unified Communication

In an interconnected business ecosystem, unified communication is the key. It amalgamates chats, texts, video conferencing, and faxing into a single cohesive platform. Whether it’s project collaboration, inter-departmental meetings, or client interactions, unified communication ensures seamless and efficient connectivity, bridging gaps and fostering productivity.

Limitations of VoIP Numbers

While VoIP numbers offer transformative benefits, it’s essential to recognize their potential limitations, ensuring businesses can make informed decisions and implement appropriate measures.

1. Dependency on Internet Connectivity

The most fundamental limitation of VoIP numbers is their reliance on a stable Internet connection. Without it, calls may drop, or voice quality may deteriorate. Especially in areas with inconsistent or slow internet speeds, VoIP might not always be the most reliable option.

2. Power Outages Impact

Unlike traditional landlines that can function during power outages, VoIP systems, being internet-dependent, might become inoperative during prolonged blackouts. Businesses need to ensure they have backup power solutions to maintain communication via VoIP phone numbers.

3. Latency and Jitter

VoIP calls can sometimes experience latency, which is a delay between the sender’s transmission and the receiver’s reception of the message. Similarly, jitter, or variations in delay, can affect voice quality. Both these issues arise from network congestion and require robust bandwidth management.

4. Emergency Call Limitations

Traditional phone systems have established protocols for emergency calls, ensuring quick and accurate responses. VoIP systems, especially those without a fixed location, might face challenges in accurately pinpointing the origin of an emergency call, potentially leading to delays in assistance.

5. Security Concerns

While VoIP phone systems often have robust security measures in place, they aren’t entirely immune to threats. From call interception to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, VoIP numbers require vigilant security measures, software updates, and encryption to ensure secure communication.

Is It Legal to Buy VoIP Phone Numbers?

Purchasing and utilizing VoIP phone numbers is wholly legal. Reliable service providers make it a point to adhere to the stringent requirements of local and international regulations, including critical stipulations like HIPAA and various Telecommunication laws. Many sectors – from education and healthcare to corporate businesses – benefit from the legitimate use of these virtual numbers to enhance their communication capabilities.


However, it’s essential to tread with caution. While acquiring and using these numbers are lawful, any malpractice, such as using them for scamming, fraud, or other illicit activities, is strictly against the law. Moreover, each country may have certain regulations surrounding VoIP numbers when considering the global landscape. It’s always wise to stay informed about these country-specific rules, especially if you are considering expanding your reach internationally.

How to Get a VoIP Number?

Getting a VoIP number is a simple process. It doesn’t take much time to procure a virtual phone number per your choice unless you opt for number porting. Follow the steps below to purchase a VoIP phone number.

1. Choose a VoIP Provider

Before anything else, you must identify the right VoIP service provider that caters to your business’s unique needs. Factors to consider include pricing, available features, and customer reviews. You can go for providers who have a robust reputation in the industry and offer good customer support.

2. Determine the Number Type

Decide whether you want a local, toll-free, or national number. Different types serve various purposes. For instance, local numbers can help businesses establish a local presence, whereas national numbers facilitate global operations.

3. Sign Up and Register

Once you’ve chosen a provider, register for their services. This process typically involves providing essential business details, setting up an account, and agreeing to the provider’s terms of service.

4. Choose Your Number

Once you are in, you can select and purchase specific numbers. After securing your numbers, configure its settings in the provider’s dashboard. This step involves setting up features like call forwarding, voicemail, and IVR menus.

5. Test Your VoIP Number

Before fully integrating your new VoIP number into your business operations, make a few test calls to ensure everything works correctly. Check both inbound and outbound calls, voicemail functionality, and any other features vital to your business.

Getting VoIP Numbers from Calilio

VoIP numbers are invaluable to businesses and individuals. Their versatility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness make them an optimal choice for effective communication. And when considering a trusted provider for these virtual phone numbers, Calilio stands out from the crowd. We offer seamless experience, top-notch customer support, and advanced features tailored to your needs. 


Calilio invites you to explore the benefits of our VoIP services and empower your business with unmatched connectivity. Sign up now to experience reliable virtual communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a VoIP number a real number?

A VoIP number is a real phone number, but it operates using the internet instead of being linked to a specific device or location. This means you can use it from any device with an internet connection, be it a desktop, laptop, or smartphone.

What is the difference between a VoIP number and a mobile number?

A VoIP number operates over the internet, allowing flexibility and functionality across various devices without being tied to a specific location or device. A mobile number, on the other hand, is linked to a specific SIM card and operates using cellular networks.

Why would someone use a VoIP number?

People opt for VoIP numbers due to their versatility. They're cost-effective, offer a range of advanced features, and allow for global reach without hefty international charges. Businesses, in particular, find them beneficial for improved customer service, scalability, and the ease of managing communications across various locations.

Are VoIP numbers free?

Some providers offer basic VoIP services for free, but these often come with limitations in terms of features, call duration, or the number of calls. For extensive usage and advanced features, most businesses opt for paid VoIP services.

Can a cell phone have a VoIP number?

Absolutely. VoIP numbers can be used on any device with an internet connection, including cell phones. With the appropriate app or software, you can make and receive calls using your VoIP number on your mobile device.

How can I get a VoIP number?

To get a VoIP number, you need to choose a reliable VoIP service provider, sign up, and then select from the range of numbers they offer. Once registered, you can configure settings and begin making calls using the internet. For a streamlined experience, consider opting for established providers like Calilio.

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