474 Area Code

Establish a Local Footprint in Regina, Saskatchewan with 474 Area Code

Enhance your local business network in Regina with telephone numbers containing the 474 area code. Build strong relationships with Canadian customers and increase your business productivity.

Search Area Code 474 Phone Number

Find 474 phone numbers from Calilio and experience seamless communication. Select your ideal virtual number and effectively expand your business presence.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Where is the 474 Area Code Located?

Area code 474 is located in Saskatchewan. It serves the entire province, including major cities like Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Prince Albert, and North Battleford, as well as other small cities and rural areas.

This area code is home to over 1.8 million people. Individuals here observe the Central Time Zone, 6 hours behind the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC-6).

Cities that use the 639 area code and their population:


Population (Approx.)





Swift Current




Moose Jaw










Prince Albert


North Battleford


History of 474 Area Code

The 474 area code was introduced on October 02, 2021. It is the 424th number in service and one of 11 introduced that year. Saskatchewan currently has three phone codes, and 474 is the third and latest. Due to the growing population and increased use of telephone numbers, 474 was launched as an overlay for the 306 and 639 phone codes to serve the same geographic region.

Before 1995, the middle digit of an area code was restricted to either 0 or 1. Well, 0 implied the phone code served the entire province, while 1 indicated a specific region.


Additionally, a 10-digit dialing format is also mandatory to make calls in the regions that use the area code 474. That means callers must dial the area code along with 7-digit phone numbers. It currently uses 90 unique prefixes, ranging from 474-231-XXXX to 474-899-XXXX.

Evolution Area Code 474

Why Start a Business in Regina with Area Code 474?

Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan. The city is also home to world-leading agribusinesses and food companies. Its diverse economy is primarily driven by agriculture, manufacturing, finance, tourism, and oil and gas production.

Nicknamed the Queen City, it is the headquarters for national and overseas institutions. Farm Credit Canada (FCC), Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensations Board (WCB), Greystone Managed Investment (GMI), and Public Employees Benefits Agency (PEBA) all hold head offices here. Rich in urban parks, museums, science centers, and art galleries; Regina attracts huge tourists every year as well.

The prosperous city has experienced attractive economic growth, with a 2.0% GDP growth rate in the fiscal year 2021/22 and a projected 1.5% in 2024. Regina also offers a reasonable cost of living and a housing market for small businesses and startups.

All in all, a 474 area code number provides excellent opportunities for companies to establish a business presence in the bustling market and surrounding areas.

Upgrade Your Marketing Efforts in Saskatchewan With a Local Number

Access Extensive Business Features with Area Code 474 in Regina

crm integration icon

CRM Integrations

Integrate with third-party apps to optimize customer interactions and data management.

sentiment analysis icon

Sentiment Analysis

Analyze and generate details of customer emotions to understand their objectives.

Interactive Voice Response icon

Interactive Voice Response

Enable callers to access information without direct interactions to improve customer experience.

Voicemail Transcription icon

Voicemail Transcription

Transcribe voice messages into texts for more in-depth insights.

How to Get a 474 Area Code Phone Number from Calilio for Regina?

Follow these 5 simple steps to acquire your desired number.


Register/Sign-up with Calilio.


Pick the best plan for your business needs.


Buy a 474 phone number.


Customize features for your number.


Distribute numbers to your team members and start communicating.

Port Your 474 Phone Number to Calilio, If You Already Have One

Keep your 474 phone area code number and switch to Calilio to access more features. Our number porting process ensures uninterrupted communications with extra security.

Various benefits of 474 area code

Benefits of Getting 474 Number From Calilio

A 474 telephone number from Calilio offers companies extensive business features, like sentiment analysis, internal messages, and call monitoring, to build strong customer relationships.

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Integrations with Business Tools

Calilio keeps customer data and interactions aligned by syncing calls effortlessly with your CRM. This integration enhances your business productivity and workflow.

step two icon

Secure Communications

Our 474 numbers provide secure communications by offering call masking and blocking features for security management.

Step three icon

Call Quality

Calilio ensures clear audio and video call quality with efficient bandwidth. This helps to foster customer satisfaction and sales optimization.

Step four icon

Fast Setup and Activation

With Calilio, setting up the 474 phone number is fast and easy. Numbers are also activated quickly, ensuring businesses and individuals can use them without long waiting periods.

Nearby Area Codes of 474


Area Code


204, 431, 584

Calgary, AB

368, 587, 825



North Dakota701
Edmonton, AB


Northern Canada




Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 474 area code?

Which time zone falls under the 474 area code?

Is 474 phone code legit or a scam?

What are Saskatchewan’s area codes?

Establish a Virtual Presence in Saskatchewan With a Local Phone Number

Connect with the Canadian local community with 474 area code numbers from Calilio. Select your preferred number and enjoy calls at affordable pricing.

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