584 Area Code

Establish a Local Presence in Manitoba, With a 584 Area Code Phone Number

Secure your 584 area code local number from Calilio and start communicating with the people of Manitoba. Maintain a strong presence with advanced features at competitive calling rates.

584 area code for local presence in manitoba

Find the Right 584 Virtual Number to Develop a New Customer Base in Manitoba

Get a phone number with the 584 area code from Calilio for seamless communication. Choose the ideal Manitoba number from our available virtual numbers to boost your regional presence.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

Where is Area Code 584?

Canadian province Manitoba uses the 584 area code. It does not cover a specific city but all the regions, including Winnipeg, Brandon, Thompson, Winkler, Steinbach, and other surrounding suburbs.

Area code 584 is an overlay number introduced not too long ago to minimize the pressure on existing area codes. The Central Time Zone operates in this province, observing standard and daylight saving times.

Major cities and their population that use 584 area codes:


Population (Approx.)











Portage la Prairie






The Pas


History of 584 Area Code

On October 29, 2022, the 584 area code was put into service as an overlay for the original 204 phone number. It was added to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) and reserved as a third phone code for Manitoba.

Since area code 584 is 204’s overlay, they co-exist and serve the same geographical region. That means individuals can communicate at the same prices regardless of their locations.

Prior to 1995, the middle digit was restricted to 0 and 1, where 0 indicated the entire province and 1 indicated a specific region. In the 204 area code, 0 shows that the area code number covers the whole province of Manitoba.

History 584 area code for manitoba

584 Phone Number: Business Scenario and Future Outlook

Manitoba is a province of Canada at the longitudinal center of the country, bordered by Ontario to the east and Saskatchewan to the west. It is the fifth most populous territory, with a population of 1,342,153 as of 2021. The province has a diverse economy thanks to agriculture, manufacturing, construction, tourism, trade and commerce, healthcare and social services, and education sectors.

Agriculture is vital in Manitoba's financial system, with approximately 14K+ farms in this sector. The combination of a well-educated and rural workforce is the key strength of 584 surroundings, as evidenced by around 83% of the population aged 15 years and over that have certificates of high school graduation.

Nicknamed the Keystone, it offers a relatively low cost of living, various outdoor activities, recreational opportunities, and a user-friendly community. Well, its GDP rate grew by 2.6% in 2022, following a 1.8% increase in 2021. Plus, it has an average weekly earnings of $1,141.13.

All in all, adding the 584 phone numbers supports the territory's overall growth.

Establish Customer Trust and Credibility With Local 584 Phone Number.

Access Powerful Business Features With the 584 Phone Area Code

Call analytics icon

Sentiment Analysis

Evaluate customer emotions and give insight for better decision-making.

Internal messaging icon

Internal Messaging

Allows internal communications between team members for optimal responsiveness.

Call flip icon

Call Flip

Switch incoming calls between devices for improved call management and uninterrupted communication.

Call queue icon

Call Queue

Prioritize and manage incoming calls in a queue for consistent and quick response.

How to Get a Canada 584 Area Code Number From Calilio?

Secure a 584 Manitoba phone number from Calilio with these simple steps.


Register with Calilio by providing the necessary details.


Select the ideal plan with a 584 number.


Port your 584 prefix or purchase a new one.


Customize features for your 584 phone number.


Assign numbers to your team members, and you are ready to go.

Retain Your 584 Number While Upgrading to Calilio

Switch to Calilio and keep your existing 584 local phone number. Our number porting system ensures a smooth transition with simple guidelines for the entire process.

Benefits of 584 area code phone number form calilio

Benefits of Buying 584 Numbers From Calilio

A cost-effective 584 number from Calilio comes with extensive features. Our platform offers several benefits that significantly improve business operations and customer relationships.

step one icon

Reliable Customer Support

Calilio offers 24/7 customer support to address and resolve issues anytime. This ensures businesses can maintain continuous communications with their clients, improving customer engagement.

step two icon

Top-notch Security

We offer robust security features to secure calls and text messages. This safeguards sensitive information from potential breaches and hacks.

step three icon

High Voice Quality

Calilio ensures a crystal clear voice during calls, even with average bandwidth, providing satisfactory customer engagement.

step four icon

Cost Efficiency

We provide multiple subscription packages at affordable costs. You can get your desired number for as low as $12 monthly.

584 Nearby Area Codes


Area Code

Duluth, MN



306, 474, 639

North Dakota


Kenora, ON807
Northern Canada867

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Manitoba getting a new 584 phone code?

Where is the 584 area code?

Will 584 phone number change the existing area code?

What is the new area code for Manitoba?

How do I dial the 584 area code phone number?

  1. Domestic format: (584) XXX-XXXX
  2. Overseas Format: +1 (584) XXX-XXXX
The domestic format includes an area code with a 7-digit Canadian local number, whereas the international format includes a country code followed by the area code and a 7-digit phone number.