01603 Area Code

Get 01603 Area Code For Regional Presence in Norwich

Solidify your brand identity with the 01603 area code from Calilio. It allows you to connect with the local Norwich customers as the local identity which helps in the increased leads and more sales.

dialing 01603 area code on a smart phone

Search 01603 Virtual Phone Number

Find out the best 01603 area phone code from the extensive collection of our available virtual numbers. Consider choosing one with a memorable format that perfectly aligns with your business identity.

Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.

History of Area Code 01603?

The area code 01603 was introduced on April 16, 1995, which day is called the 'PhONEday'. After this day, the 0 was added to the existing 0603 code, which became 01603. Before the 01603 introduced, Norwich used the 0603 code, which is also called as Norwich STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) code. The addition to the 01603 prefix was made to accommodate the increasing demand for new numbers in the Norwich area.

phone call between traditional phone line and modern phone

Why Does Your Business Need 01603 Phone Number?

A 01603 number is crucial for companies who want to establish their presence in the Norwich area. This number positions your business as a reliable and trusted member of the community even without physical presence.

Customer Trust

Cost Effective Communication

Targeted Marketing

Increased Call

Competitive Advantages

How to Get a 01603 Area Code?

You can simply get your 01604 area phone code by visiting the app.calilio.com. Follow the below guides:


Visit app.calilio.com and create register account.


Choose the suitable plans for your business from the various options.


Go to “Settings >>My Numbers> Purchase Numbers” and pick one with the 01603 prefix.


Make the payment using the available secured payment options.


Customize the features and the settings of your virtual numbers according to your needs.

Already have a Norwich Phone Number?

Port your existing Nowich phone number to Calilio to enjoy all our VoIP features without losing the already established identity of your number.

The 01603 Area Code: A Key Tool for Business Expansion

number sharing icon

Number Sharing

Share your virtual number with your team members to handle multiple calls at the same time with a single 01603 number.
conference call icon

Conference Calls

Connect with all your clients and team members with conference calls from anywhere in the world.
call transfer icon

Call Transfer

Easily transfer the live call to the right person to assist with the customer queries for effective communication.
Crm integration icon

CRM Integration

Integrate different CRM tools like ZenDesk, Hubspot, and Salesforce to manage your business effectively.

Popular Area Codes in the UK


Area Codes













24x7 customer support representative with calilio's call management interface

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For 01603 Number?

Calilio 01603 area code offers with the affordable options for companies wishing to start their business in Norwich. Our advanced features and exception customer service make it an ideal option for companies seeking to expand and upgrade their business phone system.

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Diverse Plans and Pricing

We offer various plans with different pricing to ensure that our plans are suitable for both growing businesses and established enterprises.

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24/7 Customer Support

Our dedicated customer support team is available round to clock to assist you with any queries related to Norwich number.

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Regular Updates

We ensure our features are updated on a regular basis to match and meet the requirements of the modern business.

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Simple Dashboard

Anyone with the basic technical skill can easily manage their virtual phone number with our simple and easy-to-use dashboard.

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Customizable Options

We offer customizable options for the business to select and pick the features that only matter to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 01603 a free number?

Is the 01603 area code the same as a zip code?

Can I port my 01603 number to Calilio?

Can I get Norwich number from abroad?

Expand Your Reach to Norwich Customers

Acquire a phone number with 01603 dialling code and expand your business reach to the vibrant customers of Norwich.

International Number

Get International Numbers

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