Search 0131 Virtual Phone Number
Explore our extensive collection of virtual phone numbers and select your preferred number with the 0131 prefix. Consider picking one that aligns with your business and has memorable phrases.
Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.
History of Area Code 0131
The area code 0131 was introduced on May 16, 1995, as a part of the PHONE day. It was transitioned from the previous area code 031. It was transitioned to increase the volume of possible numbers with a single prefix.
0131 telephone numbers now serve all of Edinburgh and its surrounding cities. Since they meet current requirements, there are no plans for a new dialing code soon.

Why Does Your Business Need a 0131 Phone Number?
The 0131 phone number lets you present your business among local customers as a regional identity that builds trust and leads to more conversions.

Build Trust
Increased Local Engagement
Local Collaborations
Professional Image
Competitive Advantages
How to Get a 0131 Virtual Phone Number?
You can quickly get a 0131 virtual phone number from the comfort of your home with VoIP providers like Calilio. First, you must create an account and follow the on-screen guides to complete the purchase.

Create a free account on Calilio if you haven’t created one. You just need to provide the basic details like your name and email.

Choose a plan from the available options that perfectly aligns with your business needs and requirements.

Head towards "Settings >> Number >> Purchase Number" and pick your desired 0131 area code.

Complete the payment using our secured payment option to own your local number.

Once your number gets activated, customize the features from the setting to meet the needs of your business.
Already Have an Edinburgh Phone Number?
Port your phone number on Calilio to enjoy our advanced business features without losing your existing 0131 code number.
Area Code Number As a Communication Tool for Business Growth
Number Sharing
Conference Calling
Sentiment Analysis
Call Whispering
Popular Area Code in UK

Why Business Choose Calilio For 0131 Number?
Businesses choose Calilio for their 0131 area code numbers as we offer advanced, customizable communication tools at competitive rates. We ensure that our VoIP phone system meets the needs of modern businesses, providing reliable and efficient solutions.

Competitive Pricing
Calilio’s pricing plans start at $12 monthly to validate that every type of business can afford our VoIP system.

Round to Clock Customer Support
Our dedicated support team is known for quick and efficient assistance. Get answers to all your questions about the 0131 business phone number with just a click.

Simple Dashboard
Calilio’s user-friendly dashboard guarantees that anyone with basic technical skills can easily manage their Edinburgh phone number.

Maximum Uptime
Calilio establishes maximum uptime for your Edinburgh area code, keeping your business connected and productive with reliable communication solutions.