Search 478 Virtual Phone Number
Choose your desired 478 phone number and watch your firm grow, establishing trust and creating a strong presence in Georgia’s vibrant business landscape.
Note: Some phone numbers may not be available through this search, as they are not generally offered to customers. These numbers are available on order request. Please contact support to request them.
Area Code 478 Location
Area Code 478 is located in central Georgia, US. Its principal city is Macon and covers other regions like Cochran, Eastman, Milledgeville, Swainsboro, Warner Robins, Perry, and Dublin.
With a population of approximately 320K, the area code 478 operates within Eastern Standard Time Zone (EST, UTC-5), meaning it is five hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). During the Daylight Savings Time, it shifts to UTC-4, making it 4 hours behind the UTC.
Popular Cities Total Population County 91,351 Bibb 66,588 17,715 16,201 13,839 9,815 7,277 7,148 5,912 5,150 4,962 4,589 4,512 3,930 3,276Macon Warner Robins Houston Milledgeville Baldwin Dublin Laurens Perry Houston Fort Valley Peach Swainsboro Emanuel Centerville Houston Sandersville Washington Cochran Bleckley Eastman Dodge Hawkinsville Pulaski Byron Peach Hardwick Baldwin Gray Jones
History of Area Code 478
Area code 478 came into service on August 1, 2000, and was one of the 14 area codes introduced that year. Before July 1954, the 404 area code served all of Georgia. As the population grew and demand for new phone numbers increased, 404 saw a two-way split, forming 912 and 404. Later, 912 started serving the southeastern part of Georgia.
Again, Georgia started seeing a phone number shortage, and in 2000, 912 was split into 3 parts, forming area codes 478, 229 and 912. Currently, the Peach State has a total of 10 area codes.

Exploring 478 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook
With a population of over 320,000, area code 478 has an employment rate of 3.1%. Recently, this territory saw an average business failure rate decrease by 11%, which is low compared to the national average rate of 50%. Plus, the average household income of 478 areas peaked in 2021, reaching $75,632.
This geographical section has almost 3,800 businesses, which is excellent in comparison with the small population. The 478 phone area code region also comprises different historical and cultural aspects, which can be observed in HayHouse, Cannonball, and Tubman Museum, which showcases African American art, among others, drawing a lot of tourists and creating opportunities in hotels and retail sectors.
Though agriculture is the primary source, firms like Medical Central Georgia, Mercer University, and GEICO are performing well in the 478 area code sector. This indicates that there is also a chance to thrive in industries like education, healthcare, manufacturing, and the retail market.
478 Area Code Number as a Communication Tool for Business Growth
Live Call Monitoring
Keep track of your staff members' performance and upscale your business output.
Conference Calls
Connect with multiple users, which is helpful during business meetings or conferences.
Bulk SMS
Send text messages to multiple existing and potential clients at once, saving time.
Call Sentiment Analysis
Measure and analyze both parties' intensity, moods, and interests to improve call productivity.
Why Does Your Business Need a 478 Phone Number?
By acquiring a 478 phone number, you get benefits like a local presence, improved cold calling, enhanced marketing campaigns, and many more in central Georgia.

Regional Presence
Builds Trust
Improves Cold Calling
Enhances Marketing
How to Get a 478 Phone Number from Calilio?
To quickly get a phone number with the 478 area code, follow these steps:

Create an account with Calilio.

Confirm your email and choose your preferred plan.

Select a 478 phone number and initiate payment.

Pick the available payment method and purchase the number.

After the transaction, the new 478 number is added to your profile.
Already Have a Georgia 478 Phone Number?
If you already have a phone number with the 478 area code, port it to Calilio and experience many advanced features without changing your existing number.

Why Businesses Choose Calilio for a 478 Number?
From having a user-friendly interface and a secure system to being reliable, there are multiple reasons to choose Calilio.

User Friendly
Our simple user interface helps users operate their business and communicate with clients straightforward and hassle-free.

High Security
Valuing our customers' data, we use advanced security measures like end-to-end encryption and multiple-factor authentication for any possible breaches.

Cost Efficient
Our subscription packages are cost-effective, starting at just $12 monthly. We offer a unique blend of cost and features to give you the best value for money in the market.

24/7 Customer Support
Your queries and problems on our platform are our top priority. We have a dedicated team of customer care executives always to answer your concerns.