706 Area Code

Get 706 Area Code Number for Local Presence in Augusta

Obtain a 706 area code number on Calilio for your business in Augusta, Georgia. This local area code number strengthens your connection with Augusta customers, increasing engagement for business growth.

interface of dial 706 area code phone number

Search 706 area code virtual phone numbers

Explore our collection of virtual phone numbers with the 706 area code. Select your desired business identity for Augusta's business.

Where Is Area Code 706?

Area code 706 is located in Augusta, Georgia, United States. It covers a vast area, touching more than 53 counties. The locations within this area code are home to approximately 1,984,061 people.

The major cities within the 706 area code include Augusta, Columbus, Cornelia, Dalton, LaGrande, Rome, Martinez, Dalton, Athens, and Toccoa. These locations operate following the  Easter Time Zone (ET), which is UTC/GMT -4:00 hours.






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History of 706 Area Code

The 706 area code was established in 1992 to cover a significant portion of Georgia outside the Atlanta metropolitan area. Initially, the entire state of Georgia was served by the 404 area code. However, due to the increasing demand for telephone numbers, there was a need for an additional area code. As a result, 706 area codes were formed.

As the years went by, the 706 area code also started running out of availability due to the rapid population growth in Augusta. To address this challenge, on June 24, 2005, the 762 area code was assigned as an overlay. Today, both 706 and 762 area codes co-exist to serve Augusta and its surrounding areas in Georgia.

Exploring 706 Area Code: Business Scenario and Outlook

Augusta, a modern city with advanced technologies, is an interactive and favorite hub for many businesses. It is home to different mixed industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, education, and technology.

Businesses in the 706 area code location benefit from fresh talent, as this area code has many reputed universities, such as the University of Georgia and August University. Additionally, the low cost of living in Augusta provides the company with opportunities to hire these professionals at competitive rates.

706 Area Code Number As A Communication Tool for Business Growth

crm integration icon

CRM Integration

Integrate your virtual 706 number with CRM to simplify operational management.

new lead alerts icon

New Lead Alerts

The new lead alert feature notifies you about new potential customers or sales opportunities.

call whispering icon

Call Whispering

Provide real-time guidance to your agent during live calls without any noticeable disruptions.

call flip icon

Call Flip

Call flip allows you to switch calls between different lines without disrupting the communication.

Why Does Your Business Need a 706 Area Code Number?

706 area code number establishes a local presence in Augusta, which helps to build trust and familiarity with customers in that region. Additionally, it makes business expansion smoother and provides a cost-effective communication solution.

How to Get a Virtual Number with Area Code 706?

To get a virtual number with area code 706 on Calilio, you just need to follow the simple on-screen guides.

step one

Sign Up

Create an account on Calilio. You just need to provide the basic details and verify your email.

step two

Select Plan

Explore a range of our VoIP plans. Select the plan that meets your business requirements.

step three

Pick a Number

Head towards “Settings”. Select “My Numbers” and then tap on “Purchase Numbers”. Pick your desired 706 area code number.

step four

Make the Payment

Secure your chosen number. Follow the on-screen prompts for secured checkout.

step five

Customize Settings

As your number activates, customize its settings to meet your specific business needs.

Port Your Existing 706 Area Code Number

If you already own a 706 area code number, simply port your number on Calilio to integrate an advanced business communication feature into it.

dashboard showing different features

Why Businesses Choose Calilio For 706 Virtual Number?

Calilio offers the utmost business communication features on 706 virtual numbers at a reasonable cost. Additionally, we allow you to customize the features. This way, you get your business communication solution exactly how you need it.

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Instant Activation

We provide you with 706 virtual numbers in no time, connecting your business to Augusta immediately.

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Cost-Effective Solution

We offer a range of VoIP plans, all at a reasonable cost. Our plans fit the businesses of all sizes.

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Exceptional Customer Support

No matter when you call. Our customer support stands by 24X7 for quick support.

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AI-Driven Reports

We provide AI-driven reports that analyze calls and give a summary and insights into the caller's intention.

Nearby Area Code

Popular Cities

Area Code

Albany, GA229
Huntsville, AL256, 938
Montgomery, AL334
Atlanta, GA404
Chattanooga, TN423
Atlanta, GA470, 678, 943
Macon, GA478
Charlotte, NC704, 980
Augusta, GA706, 762
Rosewell, GA770
Columbia, SC803, 839
Asheville, NC828
Greenville, SC864
Savannah, GA912
Clarksville, TN931

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a 706 area code in Florida?

What kind of number is 706?

What city is the 706 area code?

Is 706 a landline or cell phone area code?

Where is the area code 706 exchange?

Is 762 the same as 706?

Elevate Your Business Presence

Take the leap with Calilio’s 706 phone number services and transform your connectivity. Dive into the market confidently.

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